The concept of Option Hands and Option Busts are easy to grasp, but "Option Heads" needs some explanation.
An Option Head is a Smart Doll character *minus* their body - for example, "Option Head - Fortitude (Tea)" will be her painted head, head cap, installed eyes, and wig - *minus* the body, sports bra set, stand, and canvas bag. Do note that Vision has her eyes closed so she does not come with eyes ;-)
Just like folks can swap out the hands or busts, folks can now swap out the head with Option Heads for additional customization.
Heads are packed in a fruit cap. Even though they look cute and delicious, they should not be eaten.
The realization has dawned on me that our body production capacity is unlikely to catch up with our character selection any time soon.
Our small team of nine production members can only produce a fixed quantity of Smart Doll bodies, which are the most labor-intensive component of a Smart Doll.
We could cut corners, accept a dive in quality, and work late nights to make more - sure we could make more money - but money is not the name of the game at Smart Doll Land.
I have no aspirations of growing this company into a megacorp with legions of employees and shareholders - the team and I just want to make cute quality stuff while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
However! We are working on new technologies (and have been doing so for many moons) that will hopefully enable us to increase production capacity without the need to work late nights - or cut corners on quality.
Not all characters will be available as Option Heads. Some Option Heads will be unreleased frontline candidate girls that have been waiting their turn for many moons. Some will be frontline characters that we have not had the chance to wake up from cryosleep due to the lack of bodies.
Some Option Heads will be of characters that we prepped for a release but decided to cancel them. Instead of sending them to the grid at a higher price point without the wig, we will release them as an Option Head.
Preparing a Smart Doll for a release is a complex process that uses many resources. Option Heads are also a way for folks to get hold of yet-to-be-released girls sooner rather than later.
If body production catches up with character selection, we may not continue to sell Option Heads as we prefer to have our girls venture out into the world with their own bodies.
The social media hashtag for unreleased Smart Doll characters are #smartdoll+nameofcharacter - for example #smartdolltimeless
Even though we use paint masks, heads are still hand painted, so they also have a production cap.
Characters that are removed from the listing are retired. If the character shows "Sold Out" for a few days, it usually means we are trying to make more - or deciding whether to retire them.